Wednesday, November 02, 2005

i think

i must have been about 7.
kids make fun of you for the oddest things.
when i finally convinced my mother
that the ridicule was just too much
and she should break down and
let me have chewing gum, she
grudgingly abliged. the next day,
i bought my very own pack of gum
with my very own money
and brought it to school. another
kid, who had always made fun of
me for having weird parents who
said i couldn't do the
oddest things
taught me how to blow bubble
gum that day.

that was a good day.

1 comment:

audi said...

recess privelidges only worked for me until i got called a tattletale. i never understood how talking to your teachers because you were afraid of getting beaten half to death after school was tattling, but that's just me :)