Wednesday, January 04, 2006


so we had a perfectly natural miracle today. jesus came without fanfare, and dropped the line about hiding in the caves and running to the hills and woe to those who are with child. he came in a bush that burned but did not ash. i touched the scars on his hand and knew i saw a mirage, for only my imaginiation could dream up such a powerful charasmatic experience as one would have when dipping your fingers in the crevices left by his wounds. how odd, that i smelled a mirage. the scent of jasmine mixed with dead leaves hinted at my subconsious, and i wondered at the possible prophetic meaning.

do you call me heretical for believing in what i could not have seen? i would have to remind you that i have touched the face of God, and he found me impure and wanting, and so he gave me a new shirt and ushered me into his home. a feast was waiting for me, and as i gorged myself on the bountiful plenty i found before me i was grateful i was no longer a sinner.

1 comment:

Sageish said...

wow - that is the shizzle.