Friday, March 31, 2006


oh, i ache to feel the wind
i come every day to the edge of the
cliff and pray this will be the day
the wind lifts me off my feet
for i fear i don’t have enough
faith to jump.

give me the grace to let go of the rock
and the truth to hold onto the air
and the release to let it take me
to places i would not dare to

let me fly as high as the air will allow
and stare deep into the heart of the
space beyond
and remember the rock which holds
me is strong, if small
and while insignificant, and meaningless
and inconsequential in the scope of it all
is still my place.

and after my eyes tire of the sun
take me down into the shade
and let me sleep a thousand years
in quiet, or at least a day
and help me remember the hours
and minutes
and decades
that i spent watching you soar.


Bex5x5 said...

I don't know precisely what you were feeling or talking about with this piece, but somehow I'm feeling the exact same thing.

audi said...

that's the whole point:)