Wednesday, August 09, 2006


i slobbered words in my sleep. sometimes i think i distract myself with my own soliloquy - i forgot you were listening the whole time, to my poem that didn't rhyme.

i hate boxy closed in trains of thought that litter my otherwise messy closet.

toes to the end of the blue line - i ignored the lettering proclaiming that i should stand there, and not here. i caught your eye as they stared us down, and we winked at our certain demise. when we blow this joint, let's take a lollipop break and stare at the clouds and pretend they are rain.

too much of this, so little the same... but i'll skip along the riverbank and we'll catch a train to the unknown place between the earth and the sky. yeah, the horizon, that's it. we'll fly with the wind as we stand on our train and then land where we are when we stop. my name will be fruitfly, you can be bat. all of our world won't know where we're at.

towards evening, i say we sit with a bottle of gin and wander our way home, while discussing the ins and outs of the science of art, and the art of life, and good cereal box reading. you'll put your hand in mine when we come to the river, and i'll look up at you in the moonlight, and as you lean down to tickle my sides i'll laugh at our prosaic-ness. you never knew i had a romantic side.

who would have thought, really, that we'd find ourselves here? i haven't written about death for nearly a year. or dying at least. for nearly a week. i still find myself in awe of the final sleep, watching and wondering at the breathing-in-and-out note that's sustained until one day, it fades, or ends with an out-of-key bang. which will it be? i'd say i'll take melody, and you fill in the rest, but i'll change my mind halfway through. let's just close our eyes and dance.

step one, step two. you're resting in my arms, and i enjoy that you cause my side to fall asleep. i held my tounge when the words came to whip the moment to threads... i was quiet when i decided i'd say "i just want to run, when you are too close". i even looked you in the eye when you reminded me that i love you.

i think it's progress. plink, plink.

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