Thursday, September 29, 2005


if i could sing the way i want to, i'd be a violin.

the strings pull the melody right out of
my bones. the marrow within me is a concerto, in a
minor key. as the painfully excitant chords dissipate
within the air i find i have stopped breathing.

i take in a deep gulp of air into my lungs
to hold in the music.

sometimes my soul sings so loudly i cannot sleep.


Andrew said...

You know, if your soul sanng about Jesus a little more, we could both make a lot of money.

HangingUpsideDown said...

I don't think I have ever met someone whose soul sings so loudly, but listens to music so rarely.

I love how you make my brain crinkle;)

audi said...

I listen to music all the time, actually.

drew... you rock. how about this:

"what will people think if they hear that I'm a..."

oh right, that's been done. hmm.

Moo_Cow said...

You should remind your soul that God doesn't wake up till 9:00am M-S and 11:00am on Sundays.... It helps!

HangingUpsideDown said...

I know you listen to music,...I just meant that they way you speak, they way you feel,...well, would be a damn good lyrist if you immersed yourself into music like andrew or tav, or whatever other musician we know.

Never mind,...the more I try to explain, the more complex and possibly confusing I am making things. I should think things through more often before I actually speak out them out loud:)

HangingUpsideDown said...

and on top of all that,...I can't write a simple sentence correctly.

I should just be a vegetable,...less mistakes that way.

Tavius said...

vegetables make mistakes too.
sorry i just feel like i should stick up for the little squash that could, they have feelings they do things, and they fall to, i heard a little pea singing just the other day "what if i stumble"
it was sad.

p.s. audi's words rock. she should start doin thrash metal. that would show those uptight fruits who's who.

sorry im still kinda crazy. ill quit typin now.

audi said...

That makes more sense Steph, even if it took me 3 comments to understand. Now, we have no way of knowing if that was due to you, or me :)

I would love to write lyrics, actually. I just wouldn't want to sing them. I could do backup or harmonies, and with like ten years of training possible sing on my own, but currently I would settle for finding a musician who likes my words and wants to put them to music. And maybe get Mary Ellen to sing them.