Saturday, April 29, 2006

because some things just piss me off

there's a lot of stink everywhere on the whole immigration issue. and i understand the need to deal with it... we've had an outdated and confusing system for a long time now.

my gripe is not with those who want to deal with the issue. issues get ugly, as everything has at least two sides if not more. and i'm not denying that border security is important. helps keep out those pesky canadians.

my gripe is with those who would defend their position against illegal imigrants with what is basically, though it's certainly not called this anymore, the "divine right".

when our country was founded on its supposed christian beliefs, there were many who were uncomfortable with the fact that it was being founded on genocide and slavery. these wavering folk were brought back to the fold by the concept of divine right. at it simplest root, it means that god gave america to christians, where we can fulfill the original commandment of filling the earth and multiplying... of having dominion over the earth. and have the nifty benefit of lots of ocean surrounding our new eden, which helps with those pesky religious wars.

i find it ironic that a country that was founded by those fleeing persecution now makes it really damned difficult to immigrate here, especially if you're fleeing persecution. i think somewhere along the way we forgot (i'm using the general "we" now, claim it or discard it at will) that we aren't being persecuted. that we do live in the land of opportunity, whether you're an oppressed minority or not. is it utopia? hardly. but most of the true freedoms we have we’re entirely ignorant of, since we don’t live somewhere that represses them. i’m pretty happy to live somewhere i don’t fear gential mutilation and my husband doesn’t have to fight in a war to remain a citizen and my son isn’t being pressured to be a suicide bomber. and the worst thing that may happen if i read a bible in public is that someone might make fun of my puritan beliefs…

the other thing i find ironic is that the christian conservative movement has somehow found a way to make this all about them, and the ever impending loss of their freedom of speech. i understand people are breaking the law. i'm not arguing that we don’t need a solution for the issue of illegal immigration. but like it or not, while morality from the standpoint of christianity is black and white (except for the gray areas open to interpretation) the implementation of a workable solution for a problem that affects the whole damn secular country, and even surrounding areas, is not going to be easy to come by. part of my ancestors immigrated illegally and possibly owned slaves. another other part walked the trail of tears. which part has a right to be here?

and who was it that said we should rejoice if we are persecuted for the sake of christ? not that i’m saying i really see too many instances that the extreme right trumpets as examples of religious persecution as being that at all. but if it were happening, shouldn’t we be throwing parties or something? hell, i think that would be a good indicator that we’re doing something right. maybe even becoming a little like the jesus we claim to represent.

so pick your side of the issue. and do it honestly. but if you are a believer in Yeshua, then you have given up your life that you might live. so stop bellyaching everytime you might be losing a right in america (it’s not the kingdom of god) and take care of the poor, the widows, and the orphans. and if you are ever persecuted, call me, and i’ll buy you a beer.


HangingUpsideDown said...

Nicely said.

Bex5x5 said...
