Monday, May 01, 2006

save the net

Save the Internet: Click here

big business is trying to say that they have more invested in the internet than we do. AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon are among the companies lobbying congress to pass laws that will create a sort of "fast lane" premium net service for companies that can pay the higher cost. the rest of the net, including blogs, non-profit sites, myspace, itunes, personal sites, and small business sites will be given less bandwidth making browsing such sites much slower. personal internet use and the benefits the net has given small businesses and non-profits are at risk. the net is one of the few places where we all have equal opportunity to make our voices heard. we can't let congress take this away!

Congress is voting on this issue next week. already has 250,000 signatures on a petition being submitted to congress. help out by signing the petition. call your representative. help spread the word on the net. the public outcry has been enough to sway several representatives that formally supported big business on this issue. it helps that this is an election year!

this public service announcement brought to you by audiworld for Internet Freedom

Save the Net

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