Friday, June 10, 2005


unfortunate thing about feeling is it reminds of unfortunate things.
some of you get to live everyday never thinking of any reason why you shouldn't be happy.
the melancholoy ones among us know the truth.

the matrix is real.

i'm trying to hard to think of something funny. i know i laughed last week.

it must have been a good joke.

this is the part where i can usually inspire humor at least at myself, cracking a self-depreciating comment to remind myself that though I may feel like shit the world consists of more than shit. if it were only shit it would smell much worse... like Subway in Brentwood when they lay new manure in the medians. who the hell lays manure in public places? my concern for the environment is much diminished today. bring on the fragrant destructive chemicals and let me keep my lunch.

if i can remember i sound foolish, i'll laugh.

where, oh brother, art thou?

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