Monday, August 01, 2005


the smooth, crisp scent
the fragile state
the oft remembered seldom place
at the end of nowhere, a left at the second
time i lost my patience with life
before you get to the insanely fast speed
after you past the one thing you need.

i need little.
no need to buy
just flesh to touch, a care to hold
a moon to light the evening by.
where is this soul when not here?

i think that i must really try to always
i think i must begin to fly.
where better than here?

my roots flow like the seaweed
swaying in the currents
entangling my toes when i attempt to run
and yet, i find nothing edible
just breathing in the salty sweet taste of free
access to the blood of the earth
to the current that carries us all.

i think that i must find a way to keep the ocean inside me.
and perhaps, also, a star to guide me.
and maybe, one day, a moon of my own.
and a boat.
and a horse.
and an island.
there’s little i need, truly.


HangingUpsideDown said...

audi, that was absolutely wonderful. That is definately my favorite. And its really hard to choose a favorite when reading a poem of yours. I like this one the most, because you captured everything there is to capture when standing beside the ocean. The ocean is the gateway to freedom, life, child-like, imagination and true love. Thank you for opening up a small window for those that don't have the time to be stand beside the beauty everyday.

Tavius said...

"i miss the ocean, i miss the sun, i miss the warm, i miss everyone, and i miss the bridges that spin across the bay. tonight it seems like ages ago."

audi said...

thanks for the comments.

steph, thanks for helping me keep writing. you don't know it, but you do.

tav, tonight is not so long ago. neither was yesterday. we're all still right here, whether we like it or not. when you see a lighthouse, remember the good times. they always come again.