Thursday, February 02, 2006

fear of spiders

i realize that a fear of spiders is an irrational fear.

who would really fear the unknown, the unpredictable things, if they were all so small you could step on them? granted, there's that whole poisonous bite issue, but how many people do you know who have been fatally bitten by a poisonous spider? i mean sure, you get that acid hole in the arm going on sometimes, which isn't so cool. or the big black bruise-looking mark that hurts like hell... also not fun, i've heard.

but i think i just fear irrational things.


Andrew said...

I gotta disagree with you on that one, Aud.
Fear of spiders is as rational as dispising cats on the basest, most fundamental level.
Thay're evil.
Both of them.
ALL of them.

Best steer clear.

That is all.

Andrew said...

And I'm so certain of my position, I don't even think proper spelling could change my rightness.

SMAshley said...

Actually, I'm going to have to say fear of vomitting trumps the spider fear. Fear of attack or pain from a foreign entity is absolutely rational. Fear of a bodily function however? And a function that is trying to protect your body at that! Yeah...I such a bad bad way. :P

audi said...

you would win ashley, except i'm also afraid of vomitting:)

the same cousin that told me spiders were made in the toilet when i was potty training told me that you could vomit your stomach up. he also told me that i could fly if i jumped off the shed... which didn't get me any new paranoias, though it did get me a nasty bruise. it's a good thing it was a small shed.

i think he owes me for the therapy bills...

HangingUpsideDown said...

As for the spider thing,...hate them! hate them! But lately there is a creepy critter that has freaked me out and completely grossed me out. The COCKROACH. They harmless, I know. But they infest your home and they cover every surface possible. And you know that whole clickety-clack sound they make when they move in chessy movies,....thats not fake! Its real! If one runs by you, hear them, matter how big or small.

And that just wrong! wrong! wrong!
Icky bugs!

As for vommitting, I have to agree with Ashley. It is my ultimate fear. I will make myself sick for days just so I don't have to endure the trauma.